How To Draw An Ice Elemental From Epic Battle Fantasy 3


Time to start! Draw lines to form basically every part of his body. Look carefully at the picture.


Let's form the head. Add a horn similar to that of a rhino, but curved. For his upper jaw, use a shape that looks like that of a round beak. Add his eye near the center.


Begin to form his back. Use lots of armor and plating. Add another large spike on his shoulder.


Time to form his left arm... which is a giant ice sword! Draw his arm using a curved blade. Add some more plating to the blade. Add a few spikes on the sides.


Time to get really complicated. Instead of legs, use what looks like a crooked blade for his "leg area." Form his right arm, which is a thick claw. Connect what you did in Step 3 to his blade legs. Add lots of armor plating. You are ready to move on.


Almost done! Erase the lines from Step 1. Finished! Stick around for my next tuts on drawing Fire Elementals and Earth Elememtals. Goodbye!

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March 14, 2012

Description: This is an Ice Elemental from EBF 3. I hope you like it!

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