How to Draw an Anime Fairy Girl

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We will start by making some basic shapes and guides to form a mannequin like frame for your anime fairy girl. Start with a circle for the head, then an almond shape for her torso. You will add the limb and neck lines like so.


Sketch out the very sharp style of her face structure like so, then sketch in her long pointed bangs that fall past her eyebrows.


Here you will finish the top portion of her head by sketching out the shape of her head. When that is done you can draw in her large elf style ears. Draw the ears in a downward pose. This is so she doesn't have that inviting look. Draw in her eyes, n   


Let's proceed on with the body. Start by making the neck, then draw the shoulders followed by her arms. As you can see she is in an expressive pose. The left shoulder is raised so that it touches the left side of her face, and the right shoulder is d   


We will complete the body design by sketching out the rest of her body. Start with the waist and hips like so, then draw her thighs, legs, and feet. If you didn't notice, the tip of her foot has a wispy point, but you can go with a regular shaped foo   


Before we start drawing out her wings, we need to draw the hair length first. So go ahead and begin drawing the length of her long straight hair. Again, you can go with any style you wish, I just drew a long straight style.


Sketch in the detailing to her hair, then proceed to step eight where we will begin drawing the anime fairy wings.


These wings may be complicated for some of you beginning artists out there. If they are you can choose to wing it, create your own, or take your time as you tackle this step. Start behind the ear and begin sketching out the fairy wing design. What yo   


For the second wing you will follow the same exact instructions as you did in step eight. Take your time, and when you're done you can begin erasing the mistakes as well as the guides you made in step one.


Here is what your anime fairy girl looks like when you are all done. Now you can choose your shades to color her in so she can come to life.

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November 10, 2012

Description: Hey guys, I will start the day off right today and give you folks something exciting and cool to draw. Since I haven't drawn any anime or fairy things lately, I thought a lesson of the two things combined would be super enjoyable for you all. So here is "how to draw an anime fairy girl", step by step. This fairy was such a blast to draw because when I was sketching the anime fairy wings, I just wanted to go wild. But instead I pulled it together and came up with something that is not only beautiful, but also simple for others to recreate. The drawing style I used is, to me at least, a traditional looking anime fairy. I know you can design or create any look, but I really like the pale purple and innocent feel of this anime fairy drawing. Making cool fairies is not easy. Especially when you have a ton of fairy drawings under your belt. Anyways, her sitting pose is what I like to call a 'luring pose'. This is an anime fairy girl that is seductive and subtle at the same time. You can choose to use this lesson as a tool to draw another type of anime fairy girl, or you can just go with the flow and begin the lesson as you see it. I will be back with more fun for you all so stay tuned in on this Saturday morning. Adios mi amigos!

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