Make a horizontal line for the guide of the lips and then draw another line in a vertical position for the mouth.
Draw the inner lining to form the actual lip shapes like so, and as you can see when you're done you should have a simple mouth already formed.
Draw in the teeth and then draw the fangs. I didn't want to draw an angry expression for a mouth because this is a female vampire and she is seductive.
For the last drawing step all you need to do is draw in the blood on her lips and then draw some blood dripping down the bottom lip and chin. Clean the drawing and your done.
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October 29, 2011
Description: Let’s get down to the real cool stuff. Yesterday I was on a drawing kick and I have to say I created some pretty cool stuff. These next few tutorials are not going to have big descriptions because I want you guys to have some serious fun before I get started on today’s tutorials for tomorrow. Here is how to draw a vampire mouth, step by step. I absolutely love the way that these lips, teeth, and fangs came out. It is so incredibly pretty and I think that drawing a vampire mouth is a perfect touch for the Halloween holiday that is approaching us aggressively. So anyways, here is how to draw a vampire mouth, so have fun with it, and if you want you can draw a face for the mouth. Adios people and be sure to stick around to see which drawing will be submitted next.