How to Draw a Jellyfish

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Lets start off this step by drawing one average sized oval shape for the top of the jellyfish. Then on the left side draw in another small circle and the underlining that will show you in later steps the actual separation from the tentacles. Now, dra   


Now what we can do in this step is sketch in the rest of the tentacles lines. Don't make them all the same because they are suppose to be different. Some can be shorter than others or longer than others. On the round part of the jellyfish sketch in t   


In this step all you are going to do is draw the other half of the tentacles. This time have a few going inward and sketch some more squiggly lines for the thick looking tentacles of the jellyfish. After you do all this you can move to the next step    


This is a very short and simple step. All you have to do here is sketch out some more lining on the top of the jellyfishes head. And add more detail to the tentacles on the bottom right. After you do this you are ready for the next step. It's coming    


Now finally in this step all you will be doing id thickening up the other three tentacles by adding outlines to them. After you accomplish all five step what you do next is get rid of all those guidelines by erasing them all. And you might want to cl   


This is what you should end up with when you are done. The Portuguese man of war is actually a blueish color so it can blend in with the sea but you can get creative and color it anything you want. Just have fun doing it

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February 5, 2008

Description: The Portuguese Man of War Jellyfish, now this is truly an interesting specimen. Not only is the name pretty cool for a jellyfish, but wait till you hear some of the facts about this sea dwelling species. The Portuguese man of war is commonly mistaken for a regular jellyfish when the fact is; it’s not a jellyfish at all! It is not even a whole of one thing, but a combination of things. This invertebrate is a siphonophore, which means it’s a species made up of a bunch of organisms combined in one package. Sounds strange don’t it? I know I was like “what”? How it works is like this, the man of war has four separate polyps. The top of the jellyfish is called an air bladder, which is also known as the sail, this puffy mass allows it to stay afloat above water. Now, it moves around the ocean surface by the currents and wind, another words it doesn’t have no concept of movement at all. This thing is basically formed by all of the oceans nasty waste and it just floats around until it washes up on shore. The second organism on the man of war is the tentacles, they are long, thin, and measure at 165 feet when extended below the water. Without being extended it measures roughly around 30 feet, still imagine something like that touching your leg while swimming or surfing? Yuck! The body of the man of war is covered in slimy venom that is used to catch and kill its prey; if a human is stung by one of these nasty creatures it can be very, very, painful, but not deadly. Learning to draw a Portuguese man of war jellyfish is real easy; all you do is sketch out a circle and a few lines. The instructions are super easy and the details show you a lot. Another thing about washed up jellyfish, they still have the potential to sting animals or humans if touched. They sometimes travel in groups of 1000 or more and to avoid danger it can actually deflate itself and briefly go under water. The Portuguese man of war measures in at 12 inches long with tentacles of 165 feet, and is usually found in warm waters throughout the oceans of the world. I searched the net for the nastiest jellyfish around and saw this one. I sketched out one of the images on my sketch pad from online and scanned the image into Photoshop to make the tutorial. I didn't want to put up a typical sketch of a jellyfish so I did this one instead. So if you are often in the warm waters of salty beaches, “Watch Out” the Portuguese man of war could start a battle with you!

#draw a jellyfish #how to draw a jellyfish #draw jellyfishes

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