How to Draw a Hot Babe


For the first step all you have to do is draw the guidelines for the sexy babe like so.


Next, draw in some of the shape of her face as well as some of t he neck, back and hair.


Here you will draw out her eye, nose, and mouth as well as the cheek bump and freckles.


Draw in the other eye, the earring and more of her hair.


We will work on the body next. Draw the breast, the back definition, and then big ole butt cheeks and panties with a nice ruffle. Don't forget to draw in some of the thighs and her arm.


Lastly, we will draw the legs and feet and the tattoo of a heart on her hip. Erase the mistakes and guidelines to clean up the drawing.


Here is the line art. You can draw a background of your choice. Color her in and you're done.

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December 27, 2023

Description: Okay so here is my attempt to draw a hot babe. I'm not that good at drawing figures so I hope this isn't as bad as I think it is. The concept would have been good if I knew how to draw bodies better, but unfortunately, I don't and need much practice. Anyways, thanks so much for viewing and please let me know in the comments what you think of this lesson.

#how to draw girls #how to draw bodies #how to draw figures #how to draw hot girls
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