How to Draw a Fire Truck


Simple step draw a rectangle.


Step two, sketch the truck from the fron to back as shown above.


Now you can draw the lining for the tires and other objects shown above.


As you can see it's all line art. A bunch of squares and circles real easy. All you have to do is look above to see what to draw next.


Start to define the truck with more details and lining on the sides of the fire truck. The tires are simple as well just two circles with a rim in the inside.


Now this is the tricky part. This is were you have to get real detailed with your sketch. You have to draw the all the mechanical parts inside the truck that is accessible to the firefighters. You might want to enlarge the image to get a better view.


Even more detail. The hardest part of drawing the fire truck is the little details in the unit. Just take your time and you'll do fine.


sketch more details in the ladder and at the back of the truck.


Now is a good time to erase the unwanted lines in your work. All you are going to do here is add more detail to the ladder.


That is it your done. It may take a while but you did it. You can color the truck if you want to that is an option that is totally up to you.

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January 9, 2008

Description: Hi people how are ya? Good I hope. Honk! Honk! Get out of the way there’s a fire! A fire truck is a vehicle used by firefighters to put out fires, from little brush fires to huge building fires. Not only does this super truck assist the firefighters with putting out the fires, it also transports them to the scene. Who invented this massive hose on wheels? Ctesibius of Alexandria invented the first fire pump mechanism in the second century B.C. During the 1500s Europe recreated the machine which was referred to in later years as a fire engine. At that time the pump was used to extend and have water flow and rise to 40 feet. Years and years later the fire truck has gotten more advanced and more technical making putting out fires easier, and when a fire gets easier to put out, the more lives are saved. Firefighters also have to wear protective suits and gear before entering any type of fire to protect themselves as well. In this tutorial I will show you how to draw a fire truck or fire engine, how ever you want to say it, with easy to learn steps. The instructions are pretty simple the sketch is basically all line art. I think when you want to learn how to draw a particular object or person, online is the best way to get the information needed. Well I hope you find my tutorial useful. Have a fantastic day.

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