How to Draw a Chibi Person


Start off with drawing the basic head shape, guide lines for eyes and the soft triangle shape body. Also draw in circles on the side of the head for the ears. Notice the ear for the boy is bigger than the girl.. this is because there will be bangs a   


Now you can draw in the big eyes. The thick eye shape is more of 3/4 of a circle, then draw a thin line for the iris of the eyes and draw in a cute smile while you're at it.


After erasing the eye lines and half of the ear circle (1/4 of the circle for the guy's ear) you can start on the bodies! Go ahead and add some width to those arm lines and legs and make sure they connect to the body. Pretty easy!


Erase the arm/leg lines and the connection of the legs and arms to the torso first. Now you can start drawing the scarf and shirt. You can start by just drawing a thick wrap around the neck. Then draw the hanging part of the scarf coming from the    


Erase any extra body parts that would be covered by the shirt, and we can move on to the pants! The girls pants is very simple, just cause them to flair out at the foot and you're done. For the boy, pay close attention to the wrinkles and the baggi   


Erase the legs that would be covered by the pants, and lets move on! The bangs for the girl should be fairly long and broken up into pieces. Don't forget to have the hair piece that comes down in front of part of the ear. For the boy, you can creat   


Now for the girl, add what looks like an egg shape hiding behind her head from where her ponytail leaves her head. Then on the opposite side of the head, draw her large curl. For the boy, add in the bang curls and erase the part of the oval that wa   


Now for the girl, draw in some eyelashes.. large at the top, tiny at the bottom of the eye. Draw in a -thin- eyebrow and some eyelid lines. For the boy, be sure to draw -thick- eyebrows. This helps separate gender. Draw in eyelid lines and don't    


Well done! You've drawn a couple of chibi people! You can customize them however you like by adding different clothes and hair, and even make them look just like you! Have fun!

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December 9, 2010

Description: This is a tutorial on how to draw a couple of chibi people! You can clothe and personalize them however you wish, and even make one that looks just like you! I modeled the girl after myself. I hope you enjoy this tutorial on "<em><strong>how to draw a chibi person</em></strong>"!

#how to draw chibi #draw chibi #how to a chibi #draw chibis #how to draw a chibi #how to draw chibis #draw chibi people #draw a chibi #drawing chibis #drawing a chibi #draw a chibi boy
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