How to Draw a Celtic Clover Knot

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This is going to be a simple lesson to follow and understand. First draw a circle, and the size of the shape is up to you and how big you want your knot to be. Once that is done draw one vertical line, and a horizontal line until you end up with a ta   


All you need to do here is start at the tip of the first corner, and draw a perfect heart shape with a tail lingering behind.


On the right corner you will draw another heart shape and connect the two tails together so they look like they are being laced together. Draw inner heart shapes inside of the main knot design as you see here.


You will now start the weaving process to make the design look like a big well formed knot. Start with the middle designs that fall in the center of the heart as you see here and then continue to draw the endless shapes until you end up with what you   


Now for your last drawing step draw the third corner which is a heart shape and, and add the middle loop to the right corner as you see here. The bottom piece is supposed to be the stem of the clover knot as you can see. You can draw this in any dire   


You're done. You just drew a Celtic clover knot. For some it was easy, and then for others this tutorial may have been a bot hard. Either way you did a great job. If your first try wasn't what you where looking for, just keep practicing until your dr   

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February 26, 2010

Description: It's officially the month of March, and with this month comes the all time joyous holiday of Saint Patrick's Day. Today I will submit a tutorial that was supposed to go up a long while ago but as I mentioned in previous tutorials, I was without power so I couldn't upload anything or even sign on for days. I have a few lessons in the seasonal category that is related to St. Patty's Day, but I wanted to do another that was both green and cool. Celtic knots are very popular symbols that hold meaning with every type, and there are a few different Irish knots out there. I will show you an easy way to learn "how to draw a Celtic clover knot", step by step. I really don't think there is an actual Celtic clover knot in existence, I just wanted to draw a fun design that everyone can try and draw that looked like a clover, but wasn't. I already have a clover and a shamrock as tutorials, which is why a knotted version of the clover is cool. The three parts to the Celtic clover almost looks like a series of heart shaped knots which is also pretty cool. Another famous knot design is the “trinity Celtic knot”. This pattern has a series of meanings, but with all there is one thing that is certain, the three parts have three different meanings. The first being each triangular shape represents the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and this was believed by the early Christians. The Pagans believe that the knot represents three parts derived from the female which are Mother, Crone, and Maiden. And finally some believe that the three corners stands for Mind, Body, and Spirit. So there you go, take your pick and choose to believe what you want. All I know is that I think these designs represent different things to different religions and people. Either way you will have fun drawing a Celtic clover knot, step by step. I will be back a little later with the rest of today's lessons. In the mean time have fun, and happy drawing!

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