How to Draw a Blood Sucking Vampire

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Let's start this step by drawing out the beginning shapes and guidelines to form a frame for the victim and the vampire. Draw two circles and then add the facial guidelines. You will then draw out the body’s lines of position as well as the limb gu   


Start this next step by drawing out the shape of the body staring with the vampire’s arms. Next, draw out the shape of the female victim’s body and then the shape of his hands. You will then add the lines of both of their eyes and draw a nose on    


As you can see your two characters are coming along nicely. What you will start doing now is sketching out the hair styles of both the vampire and the female victim. Next, draw the rest of the shape of both body's and then add the guidelines for his    


Wow, look how far you have come and look at what your characters are going to look like when you are finished with step four. Detail and define the hair on the top of the vampires head and then draw out more of her hair in the back of her head. You w   


You are almost done and as you can see you will finish the hair style of the female by adding wave lines to add volume to her hair. Once that is done give her a set of lips and then a chocker. Next detail and define her dress on her breast and then a   


This is your last drawing step and as you can see there isn’t that much more to do. All you will have to do is first draw out the net lines on his hands and waist. Next detail the eyes on both the vampire and the victim and then add a tear coming d   


This is what your drawing should look like when you are done cleaning up your sketch. All you need to do now is customize the sketch by using your own colors to finish off this lesson on how to draw a blood sucking vampire step by step. It came out p   

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March 6, 2009

Description: This next tutorial was a simple drawing that only took me a few hours. The reason why it took so long is because I started the drawing from start to finish while members and visitors watched me live doing so. I chose to do this tutorial because a member requested a lesson on "how to draw a blood sucking vampire", step by step. The member asked me if I could draw a vampire biting a girl on the neck. And as you know I am a very creative person so I drew my version on what a vampire would look like of they were to feed on a human. Sometimes you will watch movies with vampires biting exactly on the neck and other times they are biting on the neck down near the shoulder. I chose to draw this blood sucker biting on the semi shoulder part of the neck. I made sure that the vampire looked nasty and evil because that is what we typically think vampires look like. Speaking of vampires, I recently watched the movie “Twilight” again, and let me tell you, it is freaking awesome. I absolutely love the way Edward feels about Bella and how Bella feels overly emotional over Edward. The Cullen family is probably one of the purest looking vampires I have ever seen in a movie and I also have to say that Edward holds the personality of a prince. Anyways, I can’t wait to buy the movie on the 21st on blu-ray. This lesson is really easy to draw and follow. All you have to do is read the instructions and follow the easily laid out steps. I will be back once again with another drawing lesson on a tutorial I did live. So stay tuned kiddies for my return. Peace out people.

#how to draw vampires #how to draw a vampire #draw vampires #draw a vampire

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