How To Draw a Bass Clef
Draw another curve on the inside of the one you drew in the last step. At the beginning of the curve, draw another small curve that looks like a deflated circle, if you will.
Connect the end of the second curve to the top of the first one. Then erase the line that is left in the middle. At the bottom of both curves, connect the two with a straight line.
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July 29, 2009
Description: This is my second tutorial on music-based items. (I also have a tutorial on how to draw a treble clef.) The bass clef, although it is less known, is a very important part of all music. Without a good bass line, music would sound dull and boring. With a bass line included, and played on a variety of bass instruments, such as bass guitar, bass drum, keyboard, cello or tuba, a song sounds rich and full. Now I will teach you how to draw a bass clef. Enjoy!