Easy and Fun Guide: Learn How to Draw Legs in Just a Few Simple Steps


Let's start with the guidelines for the figure and her nice pair of legs.


Next, begin drawing out the top portion of the body which is the head covered by a sheet.


Finish the sheet which should look as if it was spinning creating that ruffle.


Draw and color in the eyes and mouth, then draw the detailing to the sheet. Once that is done you can draw the first leg and both butt cheeks.


Finish off the legs and then erase the mistakes as well as any visible guides. Also, add the ankle detail too.


That's all there is to drawing legs easy. Now create a background and color in those nice gams.

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July 1, 2023

Description: Hey there once again my fellow artist. I am back and with my return I bring something fun and simple as well as much needed and requested by a few people. Here is my take on drawing a pair of legs in an easy style. Instead of drawing the whole body, I thought it would be fun to just cover her body with a sheet and make it whimsical. Anyways, let me know what you think I hope you have fun with it and be sure to love, like, fav, comment and share.

#how to draw legs #leg drawings #draw legs #drawing legs #leg drawing
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