masked anime woman


A basic outline i used to help me base the character. (sorry its crooked)


Add the msk face and eyes then erase the lines aroaund that. The dress she is wearing is skin tight so all that is needed is to adad a few lines. Really easy.


Add the bows or something else you think is kewl, give it a little bit of your own character. :)


An approximate image of what it is supposed to look like considering how uneven the tut is, so it will probably look a lot better on paper.


I find colored pencils make it look really good and a color sheme works well. Also it makes it easier to distinguish between what is what. Change the colors if you would like it's your picture ^^

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March 4, 2012

Description: well, another random tut. Just a random character I drew a while back that might help with something, i dont really know lol. Again, not the best it is actually really messed up and uneven because of the computer but hopefully transferring it to paper when its drawn will help even it out a bit. Enjoy i guess.

1 - Super Cool
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