Let's start drawing the frosting but when you do this be sure to include the swirl in the middle. The frosting or glaze should be dripping.
Lastly, finish off the bun by drawing the rest of the pastry. Erase the mistakes if you made any at all.
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May 17, 2016
Description: Yum, yum, give me some! If there is one thing I love it's a cinnamon bun. I love these sweet treats like you wouldn't believe and for some reason I can never find one that looks as good as the one you see here in this tutorial. The main reason why I wanted to make a lesson on how to draw a cinnamon bun is because I have a vision in my head on what the perfect cinnamon bun would look like and this is it. Oh my god, my mouth is watering again just looking at the delicious goodness in front of my face. I have to leave this description before I drive to Dunkin Donuts to get one of their cinnamon buns. Have fun drawing your cinnamon bun, and don't stray too far because I do have more lessons coming your way.