How to Draw Yuuko, Yuuko Ichihara from XXXHolic

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Let's do a quick sketch on her from the side view. Start by drawing out the shape of her head like so, then add the facial guide. Next, sketch out the side profile of her face which is only the nose, mouth and chin. When that is done draw out her eye   


Draw out the shape of the head or face then sketch in the facial guidelines.


Draw the lower part of her face shape which is pointed then draw the neck line.


Draw out the flat shapes of her eyes, then color in the pupils as well as draw in the eyeballs. Draw in her ear then move to step five.


Completely draw out the hairstyle which is totally solid. Draw the opening of her komono too.


Here I show you the difference in hairstyles. The one to the left is colored in solid, and the one to the right spaced but they both have straight lined bottoms.


Add some shading to the right side of her face like so, as well as along the seams and inside of her komono. Be sure to add detailing where needed. Erase your mistakes if there is any, then you're done.


Here she is. AS you can see I left her mouth lined pink for added contrast. I hope you enjoyed drawing Yuko.

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August 18, 2012

Description: To continue on with the anime theme, I will be uploading a lesson that was requested by a member. It is on "how to draw Yuuko Ichihara", step by step. This female figure from xxxHolic is a very exciting looking figure to draw. The style, facial expression, and very look of Yuuko makes her one of the more sought after characters to draw. In the manga Yuuko is a powerful sorceress that is very fashionable at the same time. As you can imagine just by looking at her, she is one of the most popular characters in xxxHOLIC because in the story she plays a very important role. Another name that she goes by or that people call her is 'the Dimension Witch'. At some point in the manga she does say that her name Yuko is only a name she goes by which means that her true identity as to who she is, is pretty much unknown. I really did enjoy drawing Yuko Ichihara because she has this mysterious look to her face that I enjoy. If you are a fan of the xxxHOLIC manga, you will enjoy drawing Yuko too. As you can see there is two ways to spelling her name, but it doesn't really matter which way you choose. Enjoy folks!

#how to draw xxxholic #how to draw xxxholic characters

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