How to Draw Whimsicott, Pokemon
As you can see when you are done with this step your Pokemon is going to look like a poodle. Draw in the curled ear like shapes like so, and then draw a puffy cloud like collar.
Well now its time to draw out the small oval shaped eyes, and then draw in the mouth just the way you see it here.
You are almost done with this tutorial on Whimsicott so all you have to do is draw out small arms, body and then the stubby legs.
Finish the locks by sketching out the big puffy hairstyle. Erase the lines and shapes that you drew in step one to clean up the drawing.
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June 2, 2011
Description: Hey ya'll, Dawn here with another drawing lesson yet again, and today, we'll be dipping into a tut on “how to draw Whimsicott from Pokemon Black and White”. I had fun sketching, inking, and coloring this little fluff ball that highly resembles a sheep and chibi. “Drawing Whimsicott” should be easy to complete, mainly because she's made from lots of large – small curves. You'll find yourself drawing lots of curves bundled together in various sizes. The trick is, take your time, draw quickly, and have fun! Patience plays a role when drawing difficult characters as well. Don't ever rush or you'll fail the entire. Anyways, if you know something about Whimsicott, let me know, this Pokemon is very interesting. Have fun, don't forget to post your drawing and let me know how it came out. Thanks for viewing and stay tuned for more drawing tutorials in the future!