How to Draw Tenzin, Tenzin, Legend of Korra


All you will be doing here is drawing out a stick figure like frame or mannequin for your guide to draw out Tenzin. Add the facial guides and that's it for step one.


Before we get started with drawing out Tenzin's head and face, I wanted to show how the face should be detailed since he is an aging man. Notice the bags under the eyes, and notice how he sides of the face or cheeks are sunken in a bit.


This is how the face is going to be drawn and look. I will lay out the head tutorial in seven steps, so pay attention or follow along. Start with the guides that you made in step one, and then sketch out the actual shape of the head, face and then ad   


Now that the face is all done, you can finish drawing out his collar, and then draw out the rest of his ruffled shawl. Add an opening in the middle near the bottom.


Draw out the length of Tenzin's cloak like so, and then draw out the other side which is folded over the right arm. Add the folds, creases and wrinkles too.


The clothing is going to be long, and layered. The top should be tucked in at the waist, and then draw out the first tier, and then draw out the second layer of his attire.


The cloak is going to be drawn in some more and as you can see it is flared outward behind the right hand. Draw out the hand the way you see it here, and notice how it is in a gesture pose.


You will now draw out the baggy style of pants that is visible, and then draw out Tenzin's ankles and feet. Add the detailing lining that turns the feet into shoes. Erase the shapes and guides and then move to step nine.


For the last step simply sketch out the detailing lines that will add pleats, creases and folds to his clothing. Draw in the pendent that is hanging from the collar, and then you are done.


Tenzin was a simple character to draw, now you can have even more fun coloring him in. Thanks for joining me with this lesson on drawing Tenzin, the son of Aang and Katara.

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July 25, 2011

Description: A majority of the lessons going up today are going to be based on the new characters from Legend of Korra. I will start with Katara and Aang’s son, Tenzin. He is going to be part of Team Korra, and if you are thinking that this is going to be a young addition to the crew, you are sadly mistaken. The new Airbender series is a lot more mature then the last. Instead of being filled with young characters with a young kid like theme, Legend of Korra is going to be more series, and have a mature storyline. Even though the new series will be a bit different, it is still going to be filled with humor, and lots of exciting fun. Another thing I want to let you know, is don’t expect to get some good information about the characters going up because as of right now they really don’t have a solid background. The only thing I can tell you about this lesson on "how to draw Tenzin", is he is the son of both Aang and Katara, and he has two other siblings. Tenzin’s part is to help Korra learn and master the art of Airbending. Like his father, Tenzin has the blue markings on his body, and this is due to the fact that Aang taught him the traditions that he learned from the Air Nomads. When Korra finds Tenzin, he joins her team to help her learn Airbending and to take out the Equalists. He is going to be fun to draw because as you follow this lesson, you will be thinking about Aang and Katara at the same time. Have fun guys and be sure to rate, comment and fav any of the tutorials you enjoy on

#how to draw legend of korra #how to draw legend of korra characters
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