How to Draw Shinpei, Summertime Render


Like always we start with the guidelines and shapes.


Here you will work on drawing the shape of Shinpei's face and then his ears. You can also sketch in the detailing inside the ears too.


Go ahead and draw out the long, stringy bangs like so and when that is done you can work on getting his eyes drawn out in full. This should include the definition around the eyes as well as the eyebrows.


Next, draw out the rest of his hair which will also form the shape of his head. Add the stringy pieces of hair strands and then draw out the nostrils and mouth.


More hair is to be drawn that rests on the shoulders and along the neck. When that is done draw in the collar for his shirt and then draw the arm sleeves.


We will finish the drawing by sketching the rest of the sleeves as well as the folds that form the texture of the clothing and then the straps for the backpack he is wearing. When you are completely done, go ahead and erase the mistakes and line art    


That's it. You have finished drawing Shinpei from Summertime Render. I hope you had fun and I would really like to see your art and how it turned out so don't forget to upload your work so I can check it out.

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January 13, 2024

Description: Okay, folks. Here is my last lesson for the day. Up next I will show you how to draw Shinpei, step by step from Summertime render. He is the second main character of the manga and because I did Ushio I thought it only right to do another character from the series. Anyway, I do hope you like this tutorial. I may do more Summertime Render characters, depending on if anyone wants them. I'm going to call it a night. Have fun, learn something, and be sure to comment, like, love, fav, and SHARE!

#how to draw summertime render #how to draw summertime render characters #summertime render drawings #summertime render fanart #shinpei drawings #shinpei artwork
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