How to Draw Russell from UP

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Since this eight year old boy is chunky you will make your first circles a bit wide. Start with a shape for his head and then add the facial guidelines. You will then draw out another circle for his body and then add the guidelines in that shape as w   


You will now start drawing out Russell's face and head shape. He has spiky looking hair under his cap so what I want you to do first is draw out the hair line and the top fuzz of his hair. Next draw out the shape of his chubby face and draw in his ve   


Now you will sketch out Russell's eyebrows, and eye lines and then draw out his hat. Start sketching out his Junior Wilderness Explorer uniform starting with the scarf, and shoulder sleeves as seen here. Once you are done you can shade in the eyebrow   


Draw Russell's eyes and then his nose. Detail the inside of his caps lid and draw out the Junior Wilderness Explorer flag and pole as seen here. Make sure you also draw the pine tree on the flag as well. Once that is done draw out the shape of his ch   


Every Junior Wilderness Explorer needs to have a trumpet to play reveille in the morning right? Well Russell is no different. What you will do next is start drawing out all the gadgets that is hanging off his backpack laden. Once his trumpet and acce   


You will now start drawing out the many different patches that he wears on a shoulder vest as you see here. Since the patch images are very small, all you will have to do is make circles as you see here. Draw a right pocket on his uniform and then so   


This is your last drawing step and all you have to do now is draw out the Russell's shorts, belt, legs, socks, hiking boots and that is it. Once that is complete you can start erasing all the guidelines and shapes that are visible to clean up your dr   


This is what your Disney/Pixar "UP" character should look like when you are done. Color him in and you have just learned "how to draw Russell from UP step by step". I hop[e you guys had fun with this lesson.

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June 1, 2009

Description: I guess the new Disney/Pixar movie “UP” is doing very well in the theaters because everyone is talking about it on TV and on the news. I told you guys that I was going to draw and upload more of the characters from the flick and well, here I am today with my second tutorial. I am going to give you a lesson on “how to draw Russell from UP” step by step. Russell is one of the main characters from the movie and he is supposedly a really funny character. The reason why I say this is because I did happen to watch a long movie clip and I have to say I did chuckle quite a bit. Now let me tell you what I know about the character. Russell is an eight year old boy that is full of spunk, enthusiasm, and he is also very strong willed and spontaneous. Russell is a Junior Wilderness Explorer and he is seen in the movie wearing only his Junior Wilderness Explorer uniform. His friend and travel partner is Carl (who is the old man in the movie that walks with a four legged cane capped with tennis balls), and his whole goal in the movie is to find a way to earn his final Wilderness Explorer badge that can only be obtained by helping the elderly. Russell is a chunky character that looks almost Asian. Since he doesn’t have a last name in the movie, I guess we will never know exactly what his nationality is. Russell takes on a very long adventure when he hides on the porch of Carl Fredrickson, an elderly man that makes his house a hot air balloon. Now little Russell thinks that he is ready for the challenge when they land in a forest called "Paradise Falls". Yes it’s true that Russell has completed different courses and obtained different badges from his tribe like his First Aid, Second Aid, Zoology, and Master of Disguise badges. He is also fully equipped with camping gear, and other necessities to make it in the wilderness if he had to. The only problem is Russell has never left the city, so there for the only place he has ever used his gear was in his own living-room. The movie is supposed to be really good and like I said before I can’t wait to watch the flick. This tutorial will show you guys “how to draw Russell from UP” step by step. All the steps are easy to follow and understand which means you should have no problem achieving this lesson. I will be back yet again so stay tuned in. See ya!


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