How to Draw Moroha


First things first. Start with some simple guidelines and shapes.


You will then draw out Moroha's face shape as well as her hairstyle.


Here you will draw in the ears and then the rest of the hairstyle. Before leaving this step you will also need to draw in the ears too.


Up next, draw out the eyes, nose and mouth and don't forget the eyebrows.


We will now tackle the neck and shoulder which is covered by the wrap from the shall that this character wears. Add the detailing and definition as well.


Go ahead and add the stitch line and then the bow around the waist. I do believe that Moroha uses a katana sword, but I could be wrong. Either way, go ahead and draw the handle for that too.


We will now draw in the arms and hands as well as the ruffles around the wrists from the gloves. Next, draw the pants and add the detailing to the clothing and the rest of the cape. Erase the mistakes and guides then you're done.


Here is the line art. Go ahead and color Moroha in.

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May 19, 2020

Description: Hey guys. I'm back and with my once again return I have a few lessons of characters from Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon. I will start with this one on how to draw Moroha, step by step. Moroha is what you call a demon slayer even though she herself is a quarter demon. I really missed drawing anime so I was pretty excited to find out that Inuyasha has a sequel set to be released come Fall 2020. I figured I might as well get lessons on the main characters uploaded beforehand so here is my first lesson on drawing Moroha. I do hope you enjoy the tut, I will be back with more in just a bit.

#how to draw inuyasha characters #how to draw yashahime characters
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