How to Draw Mirai Suenaga

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Start off by making a circle shape for her head guide as well as the lining for her torso and a single facial guideline.


Using the shape you just made in step one, begin sketching out the structure of Mirai's face like so. Notice that she has a pointed chin. Next, draw in her bangs which should be sort of parted and pointed.


Using the facial guideline that you drew in step one, begin drawing out her big pretty eyes starting with the thick, bold top lid lining. Next, draw the oval shapes of her eyeball, and then add some lashes and crease marks under her eyes. You will th   


Let's keep moving along folks. We will now start working on her torso and to begin this task you will need to draw the shape of her skinny neck which then flows into the teardrop shape of her shirt collar or neck line. Draw in the cute tied bow and y   


Here we will be drawing the shoulders as well as the wide floppy style collar that this sailor style outfit is designed with. Once you get the shoulders and collar drawn, you can sketch out the contours of her torso which is very curvy because she ha   


All you have to do here is draw in the ruffled up sleeves as well as some trimming along her shirt collar. Mirai's top is very form fitting which is why her figure shines through.


Add the lining under her shirt like so, and then draw in some seam lines down the sides of her top which will add definition. Draw the arms and sketch in her collar bones.


Lastly, you will draw the rest of her hairstyle. You can do this by drawing the roundness of her head, and then draw in her simple braids as well as the long length of her hair. Add some strand detailing and then you are ready to start cleaning up yo   


Here is what your Danny Choo character looks like once you are all done. Color her in using the proper shades and show folks what and who you have just created.

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March 18, 2012

Description: For those of you that know who Danny Choo is, you should be familiar with this next character that I am submitting now. The description for this next anime design concept character may be a bit short, but at least you will get a tutorial on "how to draw Mirai Suenaga", step by step. She is a mascot character that was designed and created by Danny Choo and Azami Yuko for Culture Japan which is his own website. It is there that you will find information about Choo himself, as well as merchandise, news, and a bunch of other fun stuff. Mirai on the other hand was created back in 2007, and since her creation she has grown ever so popular amongst fans of her creation from around the world. Her outfit looks much like the ones that are worn by the Sailor Moon figures, but even if she does wear a suit that resembles the one Sailor Moon and her friends wear, just her design alone wears it well then they do. Anyways, I guess that is all I can really say about her. I will just let you guys get busy as you tackle the task of drawing Mirai Suenaga so you have something fun and exciting to do. Peace out people and like always, enjoys!

#draw anime girls

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