How to Draw Homies Character Pelon

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Again, we will start this first step off with drawing out the lines and shapes of Pelon to give him a nice solid shape to work with and draw from. What you will need to do first is draw oval shape for his head and the draw in the facial guidelines. N   


Now this second step consist of sketching out his facial features. Start with shaping out his bald head and then drawing in his eyebrows and then his cool looking shades. His nose is the next thing to be drawn out as well as his long mustache line an   


You will sketch and draw some more details on Homies Pelon's face. Start with detailing his nose and drawing in and shading the triangle shaped goatee. Sketch out and detail his ears and then give him a part of his suspenders for his pants. The right   


This is the last step of drawing so finish it off with a bang. You will first finish off his suspenders and then draw in his belt and long gold chain. Crease up his baggy dress pants and detail his left hand by adding fingers. His left shoe needs a t   


This is what your finished Homies should look like when you are completely done with him. Color him in and add him with the others. I hoped you guys liked these three Homies tutorials as much as I did. That ends todays tutorials with learning how to    

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July 22, 2008

Description: Okay finally, my third and last character from my Homies tutorial series. This time I will show you how to draw Homies Pelon which is another character from my mini figure collection from a gum ball machine. Now this Latino character from the Chicano buddies is a sly cat that has the gloves to prove it. What am I talking about you ask? Well I’m talking about how this Homies chooses to dress (well actually his attire was chosen for him). He has a bald head which is why he is called Pelon in the first place. The word Pelon means “bald” in Spanish. A black button up shirt with elbow length sleeves, a pair of black leather shinny gloves, a nice pair of baggy dress pants that is being held up by suspenders, and a nice pair of black shoes. Oh yeah, and lets not forget his cool pair of black shades or sun glasses. Even though he has a laid back look I’m still gonna say that Bobby Loco is my favorite character. Pelon really isn’t that hard to draw because his pants are wide and his top or torso is squared. If you was to look at this Homies character you would say that he is a thief right? Well guess what, he is. Pelon makes his living by buying and selling hot merchandise. He is the “go to guy” if you need a microwave, necklace, CD’s, DVD’s, furniture, dogs, cats, TV’s, and all sorts of other stuff that you can think of. He holds a warehouse in the back of his Chevy panel sedan. He also likes those rough looking Cholas or homey girls and is always on the prowl for a new woman to put his arm around. Smiley is his main Homie and out of all the Homies he is the most vato looking out of the Chicano buddies. You will have the pleasure to learn how to draw Homies character Pelon step by step. The instructions are easy to draw and easy to understand. That is it fellow artist that is my last tutorial for the day. I will have more for you all tomorrow. Peace out “Homies :P”.


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