How to Draw Goemon


Draw or make the guide shapes for the head and body, then sketch in the facial guidelines along with the limb guides.


Begin drawing the shape of the head which is also his puffy, thick spiked hairstyle.


Define the shape of his face and then draw the left ear.


We will add the face next. Start with the round eyes, eyebrows and then draw the nose and smirk.


The head and face is all done, so now let's get Goemon's body started. Begin with the shoulder and arm, followed by the hand and tool in his hand.


Draw the rest of the upper body and then add the belt around the waist.


Okay, draw Goemon's legs and ankles like so and then sketch in some wrinkles on the pants.


Up next, draw the Asian style shoes and feet, then proceed to step nine.


Goemon has a weapon in his right hand so you will need to draw that in as well.


Lastly, draw the crosshatching on the sleeves and ankles. When that is done erase your mistakes and all the guides.


This is the line art when you are all done. Now you can just color in Goemon to bring this Mystical Ninja character to life.

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July 24, 2015

Description: I didn't want to upload a lesson on a Mystical Ninja character without doing a tut on the main figure from the series. Having said that, here is how to draw Goemon, step by step. He is another ninja and has a very confident, strong willed personality and the strong desire to keep the justice where ever he goes. Anyways, whenever you make lessons on main characters from a series, there is the sense of wanting that lesson to be pretty good. So have fun drawing Goemon, and I will return with some other submissions for you all.

#how to draw mystical ninja characters
1 - Super Cool
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