Draw these guidelines. Draw an oval for the head and a triangle pointing downwards for the chin and neck area. Draw in two parallel lines for the eye guidelines and then draw the shoulder lines and circles. Also sketch out the hand as shown. These gu
Draw in his hair. Notice how the bangs fall into the face, but will never cover the eyes. Don't forget to draw in the back of the head hair and the small bow at the end. Oh yeah...and add in the ear on the right too.
Begin to draw in the top of his clothing. Make hi collar big and make sure it is level with the shoulders- you don't want the shirt too small or too big. Under his neck, you draw in a semi-circle for the gold charms that he always wears.
Begin to draw in the shoulder pieces of armor that trail onto the sleeves. On the right hand against his chest, sketch in a sleeve and bring the middle of his cloak downwards through the middle as shown.
Finish off most of the clothes. Draw his billowing cape around the body and draw the center of his clothes down the middle guideline. He has another circle gold piece around his neck and two belts toward the bottom. Don't forget to draw everything i
Here's where we add in more details. Draw in the rest of his long hair on the right side as shown and then get to the face details. Using the guidelines, draw in the eyes, nose and mouth. Try and make them look as real to his character as possible be
Erase all of the blue guidelines EXCEPT the ones that make the bottom of Abel's face. This is what your picture should look like right about now.
Now you have to add in all the details as shown in red. That includes the double lines dow the edges of his clothes and the armor and design on the sides of the cloak. And you can't forget his glasses!
Then draw out the fine detail lines on the armor all around. Don't forget the middle line down the center and the belt buckles and the cross on the glove.