How to Draw Easter For Kids

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Start by making the base of the basket which is sort of shaped like a marshmallow.


Next, take your time as you draw in the Easter grass which is usually either made of paper or plastic.


I made five eggs but you can draw as many eggs as you like. Add the decorations to the eggs like so, then move to step four.


Next up, draw the handle which is round and arched like so. Add the weaving lines that wrap around the entire basket handle.


We will now draw out the actual shape of the basket. In this case I wanted to keep things simple and make a bowl like shape. Make the decorative basket lining which is folded over the edge of the basket like so, then draw the weave detailing. Erase t   


Here is how your basket looks when you are all done. Now you can add some vivid color as you decorate your Easter basket.

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March 3, 2013

Description: Here is a very bright and colorful lesson on "how to draw Easter for kids", step by step. I think I told everyone that Easter is March 31st this year which means its right around the corner. This is what I call one easy and vivid lesson that I do believe many of you artists out there will love. I must warn you, there is going to be some super adorable tutorials coming your way tomorrow so keep an eye out to see what they are going to be. I love Easter because of colors, candy, rabbits, and eggs. I will have to make sure to draw other fun tuts that you will enjoy. Thanks for joining me once again for another fantastic lesson. Adios people.

#how to draw eggs #how to draw baskets
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