How to Draw Christmas Ornaments

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Very easy lesson that you will learn from right now. Remember you can get crazy creative when it comes to designing your ornaments. Start by drawing two circle shapes and then add the guidelines in the middle for the designs.


Here is where you can draw the designs of your choice, or you can continue to follow the steps. The two tree ornaments are designed differently as you see here. The one to the left has curved lines that fill the entire shape. The ornament to the righ   


For your last drawing step you will draw the hook caps for the tops of the ornaments and then draw the hooks. Of course you can choose to draw the hooks as long as you like. Add more design shapes and lines to the tree ornament to the right and then    


When you are done learning how to draw Christmas ornaments step by step, you should end up with a drawing that looks like the one you see here. Color them in and you are all done. Great work guys!

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December 5, 2009

Description: I will show you "how to draw Christmas ornaments step by step”. These next few lessons are going to be Christmas related, and I think that you will like what I have for you all. But first, Christmas ornaments are essential objects that need to be added to your Christmas tree decoration process. Decorating a tree is probably one of the most traditional things to do a few days after Thanksgiving. Ornaments have come so far since their first debut centuries earlier. Before, all you could get was ornaments made from glass. Nowadays you can purchase ornaments that are shatter proof which is basically a hard plastic. They come in all different colors, shapes and sizes. Some ornaments can be found with glitter on them swirled in a spectacular way. Christmas balls also come with no color at all just clear plastic or glass. Some folks like collecting ornaments as a traditional thing to do, and as time goes by and years pass, those very same collectible ornaments get passed down to family members to keep the tradition in the family. Me personally like colored glass that is round in shape and even the ones that look like tear drops. I love decorating my tree. As a matter of fact, we already have our tree up and ready for Santa to fill up the bottom with presents. I don't care how old you get, you will always be a kid at heart when Christmas draws near. I hope you guys have fun with this tutorial on “how to draw Christmas ornaments step by step”. I will be back in a bit with more drawing fun. Peace out and Happy holidays!


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