How to draw Black Star and Soul


Lets start with their faces. Draw two circles, not too close together, but not too far. Check out the title picture for reference as to the distances for a little help. Then add their chins.


Now you can draw their faces in. Make sure you use a cross guidline to help with that. The horizontal (sideways) line is for the eyes, and the vertical (up the middle) is for the nose and mouth.For the easiest way to draw eyes, start of with a circle   


Here's a close-up of Soul's headband, so that you can see the detail of his pins.


Time to draw their hair. Soul's hair also sticks out a little under his headband so dont forget those strands.


Now you can start with their bodies and clothing. Black star has his thumb up on one hand, and his other arm is around Soul's neck.


Conntinue on with their clothing. Their clothing isnt too difficult to draw as its fairly simple.


Darken up the lines that you want to keep in the drawing, be careful with this step, if you stuff up a line then you'll have trouble rubbing it out later. Once you have done that then you can clear up the lighter guide lines or mistakes. You can fini   


Darken up the lines that you want to keep in the drawing, be careful with this step, if you stuff up a line then you'll have trouble rubbing it out later. Once you have done that then you can clear up the lighter guide lines or mistakes. You can fini   


Use a fine liner on the lines that you want to keep, and then erase all the pencil lines. Also use a black pencil, black texta, or a dark pencil to colour in the black on the clothes, also I forgot to colour in one of Black Stars gloves here...


Now you can colour it in, use blue on Black Stars hair, and one of Soul's pins. Silver on Black Star's..... wraps? And Yellow on Soul's sleeves.


This step is optional, if you used water colour pencils then you can add a little water to make it have that... ink like quality. Anyway, you're done now ^^

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July 29, 2014

Description: Black Star and Soul from Soul Eater. As requested by blackdragonman. Sorry it took me so long to get around to it. But it was fun drawing it.

#how to draw soul eater characters #how to draw soul eater
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