How to Draw Baljeet Patel from Phineas and Ferb

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Draw one circle for Baljeet's head and then add the facial guidelines. Next draw the torso guidelines and then the limb lines.


You will now start drawing out the actual shape of Baljeet' facial structure and then his front hair line. Once that is done draw the neck, nose, and ear.


Baljeet' hair is curly so that is how you will draw out his hair style. After that draw two circles for his eyes using the facial guidelines you drew in step one. Give him some eyebrows and a smile, and then add some shading to the eyeballs and eyebr   


How to draw Baljeet Patel's arms and body: Start with the lining of his shirt and then from there you will draw the arms and hands the way you see them here.


Draw out the rest of his overalls, and then add the buttons. You can start erasing the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one that you no longer need.


This is your last drawing step and what you will do is finish drawing Baljeet's legs and then his feet. Add sock lines and detail the sneakers as you see them here. If you didn't erase the guidelines in the previous step you can do so now.


This is what your Phineas and Ferb character should look like when you are done. Color him in using any shades you wish and then you have just finished learning "how to draw Baljeet Patel from Phineas and Ferb step by step".

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June 5, 2009

Description: Phineas and Ferb is an awesome show and I think I said that more than once in all of the characters I drew from the animated series from Disney. There is another character that I like and that is who I am going to do a lesson on next. You will learn how to draw Baljeet Patel from Phineas and Ferb step by step. Baljeet is the friend of Phineas and he is portrayed as being very smart (a genius at math to be exact), kind, courteous, and often very passive. Besides enjoying hanging around with Phineas, he also like to play trivia quizzes and has an overwhelming need to get good grades. Baljeet is comes from an Indian background from India not Native American. All in all he is a very funny character and he also has some serious issues when it comes to religion and beliefs. For example, he thinks that a bad math grade is known as the worst thing that could happen to all mankind. As you can imagine this lesson is going to be extremely easy to learn from and follow. I hope that you will have fun learning “how to draw Baljeet Patel from Phineas and Ferb step by step“, I know I did. I will be back with one more tutorial for you all so keep your eyes open and pencils ready and waiting.

#how to draw characters from phineas and ferb #draw phineas and ferb #how to draw phineas and ferb characters

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