How to Draw a Simple Fairy Girl

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In this first step as you can see you will be drawing the guidelines and circles shapes to help you draw the simple looking fairy girl. First draw a round circle for the top of the fairy's head. Then draw the bottom half of the face which is a regula   


In this step you will use the facial guidelines that you drew in step one to help draw out the face of the fairy. You will also be drawing out the hair style with definition and body, and part of the facial structure and ear. Starting at the face dra   


As can see the fairy is starting to take shape. In this step you will be drawing her big fairy wings, her arm, shirt, and detail the lines in her hair and eyes. I made sure my fairy had the prettiest looking eyes, so I sketched in alot of eyelashes.   


This is a very short simple step. All you will be doing is detailing her fairy wings. When drawing a simple fairy step by step you always want to make sure the the image in every step looks like the one you are learning from before proceeding to the    


And here we are the finished step. Your art work should look like this when you are done with your drawing. All you have to do now is color her in and have fun with her by hanging the finished colored fairy on the wall or fridge. That will do it for    

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February 28, 2008

Description: This is a tutorial on how to draw a simple looking fairy girl. I know that I already put one up in the past, but I thought that I should submit another one. Besides I was in a creative mood today. Now, I know she isn’t perfect but I still am trying to perfect my people drawing skills. I love the color scheme that I used in this tutorial image, the reds and pinks look so awesome and pretty. One of my next things to try and accomplish is drawing a dwarf now that is going to be a challenge for me to do all together. Since I am fond of the “Lord of The Rings” trilogy I think I will try and draw Gimli, but I’m not all that sure yet. Anyways let’s get back to talking about fairies, as we all know fairies have been with us in tales and story books all over the world. The first fairy that I ever took a liking to was Tinkerbell, and then as the movies and books got better I became a fan a whole lot more. There is a movie called “Legend” that stars Tom Cruise when he was like 19 I think, and this movie I swear is so good. It has fairies and unicorns, goblins and trolls, witches and princesses, and the movie even has the devil in it. This is ultimately one of my all time favorite fairytale movies of all time. I actually own the DVD for it. I don’t know if I told you before, but fairies actually first started in Irish folklore. The Irish labeled these beings “Banshees”, but both names mean the same thing “fairy woman”. There is an old Irish tale that is told by the elders of Ireland, and it goes like this; “behold, here is a man that tortures his soul at will by capturing those of unforeseen powers, we call them “the little woman of the forest”. But don’t be fooled by their common childish and innocent appearance, for they will poison your vision with images of the dead.” Well at least that is what I heard, but who knows myths, tales, and common stories that the old folks like to share are usually bedtime stories for young-ins. Any how I hope you like this tutorial on "how to draw a simple fairy girl". The step by step instructions will show you just how easy it is to draw one of these fantasy creatures with ease. Or you can also try to draw a simple girl just to keep it basic until you get that hang of drawing fairies. Your choice.


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