How to Draw a Protoss

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First draw out the basic shapes and outlines of the Protoss. Use several reference images to get the form and pose that you would like your drawing to have. Do not worry about any details and specifics at this point. Only concentrate in getting the f   


As you can see, the lines are very quick and quite messy, but they are very light and will be worked over later. Remember not to push hard with your pencil, and I would suggest not using as sharp one. Don’t rub these lines out yet, they are constru   


Now you can start to draw in the main lines. These can be a lot darker than the construction lines, which you work over. When drawing long flowing lines for the legs and shoulder pieces, try to draw out the line in one smooth go. A handy tip would be   


Once you have all the lines you would like, you can begin shading in your Protoss. Start by finding the darkest areas and use a dark pencil like a 5B to shade them in. Don’t be afraid to make black areas in places, this will help make your drawing    


Tip: Here is a tip on shading. The way I used to shade was to just smudge everything with my fingers. While this is perfectly fine, as long as you are careful not to get finger prints all over the page, I was advised on a much better way. In this cl   


Continue to shade in all the areas of your drawing. Make the parts hidden from direct light dark, and remember to blend the dark shades to the lighter areas, especially for rounded shapes. When you are shading, some of the solid lines you had drawn m   


Here is a close up of the weapons. I did this by drawing a few single wavy lines, like fire, around the edge of where I wanted the weapon. I then shaded the out side edge of each of them, and blended them outwards. This gives the effect of light bein   


And you’re done! Remember to spend as much time as you want on your drawing. Also, you don’t have to make it an exact replica of the race in the game, you can change and modify things to make it more personal. Don’t forget to add in a shadow an   

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November 12, 2010

Description: This is a tutorial on “<em><strong>How to draw a Protoss from Starcraft</em></strong>”. I will go through the steps showing how to construct the shape of the Protoss Zealot from reference images and also how to shade the drawing. For this tutorial I would recommend using pencils from 2B up to 5B, an eraser and sharpener. I would also recommend having some tortillion or some tissue paper for the shading later on. I will give tips on how I shade my drawings and I will also give a few tips on making some interesting effects such as fire and smooth vs rough textures.


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