How to draw a dog useing pointalism


First you are going to lightly sketch out the dog do not make your lines too dark.(However before you get started with drawing first you need to find a picture to use as your reference point. By doing so it lets you know where the shadows are and whe   


Start small. Start with the nose first. To make your dots look darker you are going to add more dots to the given area that are closer to one another. This darkens makes the area darker. To make the shaded area lighter you are going to keep your dots   


Now progress to his spots. The same rules for making the area lighter or darker still apply. Make sure that you are dotting the paper with the tip of your marker avoiding dots that look like tadpoles. If you have a dot that looks like a tadpole then    


Now continue to dot onto his eyes. Make sure that your rembering to space out your dots where it is needed.


Now were going to do the same for the rest of the body. Add on his whiskers by following the rule for shading areas lighter.


Now were going to start into the additional areas that need detail. Use the light shading rule to add on details around his eyes, on his ears and, on his face.


Do not forget to go around the edges of the dog and lightly dot. Make your dots line up single file around the dogs body. Also fill in any other additional spots that you may have missed.


Now finish with adding dots to his paws and chest. Earase your pencil marks and your finished

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January 2, 2013

Description: Pointalism is the art of adding dots to make an image.

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