Popcorn Girl


Add a circle and two eyes with shines low on the head.


Now add some hair wrapping around the circle like shown. Add a fat body with chubby legs and arms. Don't forget to add a hip line.


Now add a striped shirt. This will match with the popcorn box.


Add some shoes. Draw a flowing skirt right at the hip line and long hair that almost reaches the ground. If you want your drawing to be a boy, don't add the hair or the skirt. Instead add some pants.


Now for the finishing touch. Add a box of popcorn. \/ make the sides diagonal. on the top, round off. Put 3 popcorn on top. To draw a popcorn, pretend you are drawing a flower with 4 petals or a 4 leaf clover. Voila!!

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February 2, 2013

Description: This is my next tut. This tut shows how to draw a popcorn. I luv popcorn (*u*)

1 - Super Cool
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