How to Draw Rockruff


Begin by drawing the basic shapes for the head and body. You will then draw the guidelines for the face and limbs.


Begin to define the shape of Rockruff's head and face. The cheeks are full of fluff so be sure to draw the hair accordingly.


We will almost be done drawing Rockruff's face and head. All you need to do next is draw the muzzle, mouth line and nose. You will also need to draw in the eyes too.


All you need to do in this step is draw in Rockruff's thick half floppy ears. Add detailing to the tips of the ears and you're done for now.


I like how Rockruff's design has him with a thick fluffy collar that looks like spikes. Almost like a spiked dog collar. Draw in this part of Rockruff's design as well.


We are almost done people. What is left to do is drawing the body. Do that by making the front legs and paws, then the chest, belly and hind legs. Don't forget to add the toes too.


Before you tackle this last drawing step, erase the mistakes and all the guides. Once that is done you can draw the thick, over sized tail.


Color in your drawing of Rockruff before you show people what Pokemon you just drew.

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July 13, 2016

Description: Are you ready for another Pokemon lesson? Good because I have two more coming your way and that includes this one. Here is how to draw Rockruff, step by step. Just as the name suggest, Rockruff is a Pokemon species that looks like a dog. Rockruff is from Pokemon Sun and Moon, and you can also catch this canine species with the new Pokemon Go app. I actually should make more lessons on drawing Pokemon, but some of the older more recognizable ones like Charzard, Pikachu, Bulbasaur and even Mew. Anyways, have fun with this tut. I shall return with others so try and stick around. Adios amigos.

#how to draw pokemon #how to draw pokemon go
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