How to Draw Juro the Dragon


Now make a circle for head and another one for body, as you see right here. You can make some help lines for the tail, if you want to.


This blue line shows where should be his eyes and mouth, so everything would look natural. Lets start from the eyes, and than go from eyebrows to his chin. Here we can draw these 3 thorns at the end of his cheek. Over the eyes we have 3 spots, which    


You can see the auxiliary sketch shown with black colour. There you can see how does he look like from the front. So, throught the head we go to the legs and tummy beneath. We finish his thorns on the neck.


Another spots! But now they're on his arms. Finish legs and don't hurry with his claws.


Time for the wings! Personally I don't like drawing wings but someone has to. I won't leave wingless dragon! It would definitely burst into tears. We start from its shoulder till its finger with a thorn. We finish the rest and put all together with m   


We finish back of his body and go to sweet tail!


Add 3 spots on its thigh as well as on its shoulders. After drawing the tail, decorate its end with maple leaf. Don't forget to finish his belly.


And we could draw him another wing, too.


Finish its mouth. Let's draw teeth, tongue and eyes. Here we complete the claws, which I prefer to draw on the end. Also don't forget to make ankles on its hind legs.


Clean auxiliary circles, lines etc. Now we can enjoy our picture and color it.


Something that may help.

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November 8, 2011

Description: This tutorial shows how to draw the Juro. He's the dragon of nature, so he has 3 characteristic spots over the eyes and some on his arms and legs.

#draw dragons #dragon drawing #how to draw dragons #dragon drawings
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