How to Draw Hana from Wolf Children


Start off with a shape that looks like a seed then sketch in the facial guidelines.


Instead of drawing the shape of Hana's face first, you will begin with drawing her short hair. The bangs are slightly parted and separated, and the hair that falls on the left side of her face is layered.


Now you can draw out the structure of Hana's face like so, then draw in her ear and add detailing inside the ear as well.


Use the facial guidelines to draw out the upper eyelids like so, the draw a small nose.


Finish her eyes by making oval shapes, then color in the pupils. Draw thin lined eyebrows, then draw in her mouth and lip bump.


Complete the formation of Hana's hairstyle. As you can see it is short, full bodied and full of bounce. Add layers at the ends of her hair, then some detailing.


Lastly draw the shape of her neck, then draw the shoulders, shirt line and definition to the shirt. Erase the mistakes and guidelines.


Here is Hana from Wolf Children. Now you can have fun coloring her in.

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December 5, 2013

Description: Meet Hana, she is one of the main characters in a cool looking film called Wolf Children. I watched the trailer for this movie that was directed by Mamoru Hosoda and brought to us by Studio Chizu. Up next we will learn "how to draw Hana", step by step. Hana is the college student that meets her wolf lover during a class she was attending. At the time she met her lover, she was nineteen years old. Hana falls in love with Ookami who is to her surprise a wolfman. They live together and eventually have two kids. The rest of the story is history because I haven't seen the film. I'm just giving you information from the movie trailer I watched yesterday. Enjoy drawing Hana and I will prepare the other lessons. Peace people and let me know if you seen Wolf Children yet.

#how to draw wolf children #how to draw wolf children characters
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