How to Draw Chomper

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Chomper should be a pretty easy character to draw. Start with a round shape for his head, and then add the facial guidelines on top of the head. You will then attach the head to another circle shape for this dinosaurs body, and then draw the leg line   


You will start sketching out the shape of Chomper's head, and pretty wide snout. The front of his nose kind of looks like the top of a heart shape. Continue to sketch out the muzzle, and then finish drawing out the head.


Now as you can see you will begin sketching out the body which starts in back of the head, and moves down the back until it forms the chunky tail. Next and lastly, draw the chest, and the beginning arm lines.


The back end of Chomper needs to be drawn out as you can see here in step four. Once that is done you can start sketching out the thigh, and lower leg, and then draw the shape of his left arm and three fingered hand. Add detailing lines and shapes so   


For your last drawing step, all you have to do is draw out the feet, add the long toe nails, and then draw out the other arm and hand. To finish off drawing your character, all you need to do now is draw out his eyes, color in the pupils, and nostril   


Well, you're done. Grab your purplish blue crayon, marker, colored pencil or paint to color in this adorable character from "The Land Before Time". I told you Chomper was going to be easy. I hope you enjoyed this lesson Puppylover!

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March 20, 2010

Description: Wow, today was such a nice day. Where I'm from it reached 70 degrees, and that is wicked. A few days ago Puppylover asked if I could do a lesson on one of the popular characters from the animated movie series,“The Land Before Time”. I figured since I have a few of the characters already, why not fill the request, and get it done. So, without further ado, let's have some good fun by learning “how to draw Chomper”, step by step. This baby sharptooth becomes Littlefoot's friend when an egg they find hatches into one of the most dangerous carnivorous creatures, the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Now because Littlefoot and his gang hatched the egg, Chomper was born into an herbivore family, and since he spent the whole day with them, he became their friends. Once he realizes that Chomper has to get back to his own family, the gang sets off on a journey to help reunite their friend sharptooth, with his parents. Now when he was this little guy made his first debut in “The Land Before Time II: The Great Valley Adventure”, a lot of fans took to Chomper so well, he became a reacquiring character in the movie series. Of course the gang didn't completely trust Chomper because he was a T-Rex, but that all changed when he helped save their lives from his meat eating parents. I think that he is incredibly adorable, and for all you fans out there, I know you will love using this lesson that will help you draw Chomper with ease. I have to go now kiddies because there is still more tutorials that need to get submitted. Have fun, and remember to keep those hands busy so you too can be a drawing star. Peace peeps!

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