How to Draw Bionicles


Let's draw some Bionicles shall we? Start with the shape of the head which is a round circle. Next add the facial guidelines and then attach the head to a coffee bean shapes body as you see here. Next draw the lining for the limb guidelines and add t   


You will now start sketching out the shape and design of Vastus's head which is alien like. Next use the facial guidelines to draw in the eyes, and then sketch out the actual shape of his head and or face. Move to the right hand side and start sketch   


Finish off teh entire design and arm and as you can see it is quite detailed. The pieces are full of lines, and holes, which makes them look mechanical. This part of the right arm/hand is called the "Thornax Launcher". Once the launcher is drawn out    


Now you will take your time and start sketching out the shield. Once that is done you can move to the next drawing step and it gets more complex as you proceed further to the end. Drawing a Bionicle is not too easy to do. The shield also makes up the   


As you can see the shield gets more complex to finish because there is small amounts of detailing to the design of Vastus's weaponry. All you can do is continue on and finish up.


Wow, sorry guys I forgot to write out this step for you. I just noticed that I didn't write this step out. Anyways, what you will want to do here is start sketching out the shape and design of his mechanical legs as you see here. Once you are done yo   


Now for your last drawing step you will draw out the design of the legs completely. This includes everything. Sketch out the shapes, lines, and holes that make up the legs, and mechanical looking feet. Once that is done, you can try and erase some of   


Here is what your finished drawing should come out looking like when you are done with this tutorial on "how to draw Bionicles step by step". Color him in his dark green and lime shades. I hope you had fun, and remember finishing is the best part to    

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November 14, 2009

Description: Hi guys and welcome back to another awesome lesson on I will start the day by submitting a tutorial that was requested by my ten year old brother. I will show you "how to draw a Bionicle step by step”. Now, I'm sure a lot of you kids out there are familiar with this popular character based toy line. Bionicles was introduced by the LEGO Group, and since then it has been geared to appeal to six to sixteen year-olds that fall in the male gender group. Bionicle toys have been in existence since 1999 which means they have been on the shelves of toy and department stores for ten years. The toy comes in a box full of a variety of small, medium and large pieces, much like other toys that LEGO distributes. It is up to the individual to put together these pieces to form a Bionicle character that looks like the image on the front of the package it came in. There is different names for each Bionicle, and the one I drew is called Vastus. This is one of the Bionicles that my brother owns and he likes him because Vastus looks like a cool warrior. He is from the Glatorian era, and his colors are green and lime. Vastus is from a jungle tribe, which explains his colors, and he fought for the Element Lord of the jungle during the Core Wars. Oh, by the way, I am getting this handy information from my brother since he is the one that read a lot of the Bionicle books published by Scholastic. Another cool thing that my bro told me is that the name “Bionicle”, has nothing to do with the creatures and or aliens being bionic. Instead the name was created by combining the two words “biological, and chronicle”. Cool huh? Anyways this lesson wasn't easy because I had to draw all the different plastic pieces even the incredibly tiny ones. Learning “how to draw Bionicles step by step”, will almost remind you how annoying picking up or finding those tiny pieces can be. I will leave you all to this tutorial because I am sure that you will have with it. I shall return in a bit with more drawing fun so stay tuned in to see what your hands will want to draw next. Peace peeps!

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