How to Draw an Asian


Here is two different style Asian eyes that you can draw. The top is is wider, and a bit more open than the bottom eye.


Here is a sketch on how an Asian face should be drawn. Some of the characteristics to an Asian face is the large forehead, and sloped in nose bridge.


Here is three different face shapes; oblong, round, and triangular. Take notice so you can choose what shape of face you are going to use for your Asian figure.


Let's start the lesson. Draw a circle for the head, and then add one guideline in the middle of the shape like you see here.


Sketch out profile of the face starting with the forehead, and then slowly move down and sketch out the cheek, chin, and jaw line like you see here. Cap off the forehead with the hair line, and then move to step six.


The only think you will be doing here is drawing the shape of the neck and the ear like so. When the ear is drawn out, you can sketch in the detailing lines. Move to step seven when you're done.


Now the fun begins. Using the one facial guidelines you drew in step one, begin drawing out the eyes like so. The lining for the eyes should be bold so they stick out. Add the lashes, and then draw in the nose line.


Draw in the eyebrows, and then add the eyeballs. You are also going to need to color in the eyes like you see here. Sketch in some detailing under the eyes, and under the nose which is also the nostrils.


Asian's have full lips, so when you draw out the lips, or mouth make sure that they are full and defined like you see here.


For the last step, all you have to do is finish drawing out the hairstyle which is in a simple ponytail. Notice how the back of the hair hangs a bit low is is a bit puffy. Erase the line and one shape you drew in step one.


Look how nice she looks when you are all done. How to draw an Asian is a lesson that will help you with future tutorials definitely.

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March 15, 2011

Description: There are many types of people that an artist can choose to draw, but most commonly we find ourselves either drawing Caucasian, or African American people. I thought it would be cool to make a tutorial that can teach anybody "how to draw an Asian", step by step. Now the Asian race is filled with many various cultures. People that are recognized as being Asian are usually from China, Japan, the Philippines, Bangladesh, South Korea, North Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, and so many others. What some of us don't know is how there is other countries that are technically part of the Asian population. Some of the other countries are India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon and others. This lesson is basically going to teach you "how to draw Asian people" in the form of what our minds automatically think of when the word “Asia” comes to mind. To me, I think that some of the most brilliant minds come from Asia, and without Japan, we wouldn't have anime or manga today. Without Japanese manga I don't think my interest in art would have went any further than drawing fantasy related stuff. Have fun with this tutorial guys because I know you will. There is a few tip steps that you will have fun with and when you're done you can submit your artwork to let me, and other artists see how you did. Peace out people and have fun!

#how to draw asian people
1 - Super Cool
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