How to Draw Albert Einstein

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Well this is your first step to creating one of the world’s most influential men. You will draw an egg shape for the head and then add the facial guidelines. These guidelines will be used to draw out the eyes, nose and mouth with an even stroke.


Now that you have reached step two, you will start sketching out the shape and lining of his hair style and then his eye lines. Next, draw out the lining shape of his nose and then sketch out the shape of his aging face. Add a shoulder line and then    


As you can see once you are done with step three your Einstein sketch should look like the one you see here. The scientist is also known for his crazy looking hair and that is the first thing you will want to emphasis. Sketch out the style of his hai   


This is your last drawing step and all you have to do now is add some wrinkle lines on his forehead and then shade in his eyebrows. You will continue to sketch out more wrinkle lines around the right side of his face and then around the right side of   


Once you’re done your sketch of Einstein should have come out looking like the one you see here. All you have to do now is pin him up and start idolizing him. You have now learned how to draw Albert Einstein step by step.

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February 22, 2009

Description: Hello once again everyone and welcome back to another drawing lesson here on I am going to submit this next tutorial out of request to one of my friends and fellow artists out there that comes and visit’s this site on a daily basis. I will show you how to draw Albert Einstein step by step. Now I know that this is a very strange lesson to show you how to draw but I thought that is was a very smart and excellent choice for a lesson. I’m sure everyone is familiar with this man of our history who changed the way scientists think for the better. Even though I know for a fact that almost everyone here has heard of Einstein, I will still talk briefly about this scientific idol of our past time. Albert Einstein was born in Germany on March 14, 1879 and he was a very strange man indeed. He lived in many places where he studied and gained his degrees in science, and eventually a doctor’s degree in physics. There is one thing that people loved about this man, and that was his mind and the way he thought out of pure logic and extreme clarity when it comes to solving problems with physics and his obsessive determination until each problem was solved. Albert Einstein considered each solved problem of physics a “stepping stone to the next level”. With his profession growing more advanced he made a big step and left Germany denouncing his citizenship because of political reasons that are still questionable facts. After moving from Germany, Albert Einstein became a United States citizen in 1940. Another journey came upon the great scientist which threw a bunch of important decisions his way. What decisions was he faced with you ask? Well, after the end of WWII, Einstein became an important individual during the World Government Movement along with Winston Churchill, Bertrand Russell and Mahatma Gandhi. He was also asked to hold the seat of presidency for the State of Israel, but he respectfully declined. I know what I have been telling you so far about Einstein are pretty interesting and amazing. And although you may already think that he must have been a straight A student in school growing up, that is totally false from the truth. In fact the truth is, Albert Einstein was considered to be a mediocre student according to a majority of his teachers, holding only a C average in many subjects. It was his love and passion for numbers that kept his brain moving like a non-stop freight train which led to his creation of several discoveries and I will tell you what they are as of right now. The first thing he did in 1905 was provide a new way to calculate the size of molecules and because of that he received a doctorate from University of Zurich. The next thing he did also in 1905 was provide his own theory for Brownian motion. There were many more theories that Einstein worked on and proved through experiments. Even though this mathematical genius proved so many theories, there is one that stands out as well as changed our world forever. It was the formula E=mc² that made it possible to create the atomic bomb and this is the same formula that has countries around the world walking on their toes. This tutorial will show you how to draw Albert Einstein step by step. All the instructions are easy to read and the steps are simple to follow. I hope you have fun with this lesson, I will return later with more drawing fun in a while.

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