How to Draw a Rocket
Next, use your guide to draw in the rocket. As you can see it's a regular shaped space craft that has thrusts and all.
Now just draw the flames of fire bolts that comes from the jets. Erase the guidelines and mistakes if you made any.
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May 28, 2015
Description: Hey again folks. I want to keep things a bit simple so here is something that astronaut fans will enjoy. Today we will learn how to draw a rocket, step by step. This is just a silhouette of a rocket that is pretty simple to draw or replicate. You can choose to add actual color to your drawing of the rocket, or you can even use this art for a tattoo concept. I don't know if anyone would get a rocket tattoo, but if you do, this is a good start for one. That's basically it. Have fun and keep an eye out for more tuts.