How to Draw a Platypus

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In this step what you will be doing first is sketching out guidelines. One small circle in the front for the head, then a line, then another bigger circle in the middle for the mid section of the body, then another line, and finally a larger circle f   


Now here is where the platypus starts to take form. In the front sketch out the bill then draw it in. The bill is just a long flat shape, like a duck. Also draw a small circle for the eye. Starting from under the small circle sketch a line going down   


In this step you will sketch out the top half of the platypus's body. When you do this make sure you add some shape to it, don't draw a perfectly straight line with no wave to it. Continue to do this until you end up to the tail in the back. When you   


Now this is the last step where you will actually be sketching and drawing. Define the bill by adding some small detail to it. Sketch the webbing on the feet in the front just like you would if you were drawing a duck. Now move to the back of the ani   


This is what you should end up with when you are done. See now wasn't that an easy sketch of the platypus to draw, and you did it all by yourself. Good Job!

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February 1, 2008

Description: The Platypus is a mammal that is only found in Eastern Australia’s lakes and rivers. They are a unique species being the only one of its kind; they are what you call monotremes. There are only three animals of the monotreme’s family that are in existence, the Duck-billed platypus, and four different kinds of spiny anteaters. These species are the only egg laying mammals in the world. The duck-billed platypus is the only one that has features of several different animals. The first animal they resemble is a duck in two ways; one of the ways, they have wide flat webbed front feet and partially webbed back feet with long sharp nails used for digging, and they also contain venom used as a defense mechanism to ward off land dwelling predators. The platypus’s tail is very dense because this is where they store a majority of their fat that is then transferred into energy. The bill of this mammal is very soft, flat, it has a rubbery texture, and it is full of nerves. Even though this animal is immerged in the water 12 hours a day, the platypus also has the option to walk on deciduous ground as well. Since these mammals don’t have teeth, food is grinded up like a food processor inside their mouth when they eat until it is literally shredded small enough for them to swallow. The platypus look like they would weigh at least 35-40 pounds, but the fact is, they only weigh from 1 ½ - 5 pounds and they measure in at close to 40 inches long. They are ready to mate when they are around two years old between the mouths of August through October. Platypuses are more active during the night time hours but they are not considered nocturnal animals. Even though I don’t particularly find them okay to look at, I still think that they are fascinating creatures of the wild. I had an interesting time trying to sketch the platypus out because they have that strange looking fur and sharp pointed nails on the back feet. I did however manage to show you how to draw a duck-billed platypus with a few simple steps. I know you will have an awesome time sketching out this species online because the instructions are easy to read. All you need is a pencil and a clean sheet of paper.


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