How to draw a pencil in colored pencil


First and easiest step is to draw a line (about 7 inches long). Add a short line going vertical on both tips of the line and indent the left side by about 3/4 of an inch, indent the other side by an inch as shown above.


Next, draw a triangle on the left. Then draw a rectangle from the end of the triangle to the line on the far right as so.


Next, add ringlets to the squared off section to the right, leaving space for an eraser at the end.


Erase guidelines


For this step, darken the tip of the pencil, and use a "burnt ochre" colored pencil for the wood.


This is where things get interesting, first off, add a line from the metal tip of the pencil (right side) to the part where the wood stops (left side) For the body of the pencil I used burnt ochre at the top and went over it with yellow ochre. For th   


Just add some silver to the metal part and a shadow and you're done! I hope this helped somebody, Well, that's all!

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May 10, 2013

Description: I got bored and whenever I get bored I draw pencils and random crap(I know, I know, who draws pencils when their bored? Well I do.) Sorry about my horrible camera quality that's why the pictures came out not so-good. My main goal in this is simply to inform you on how to color/draw a pencil. So w/o further ado, here's how to draw a pencil in colored pencil. Ok bye

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