You will start this first step by drawing the beginning guidelines for the graveyard landscape. Start with two wavy lines for the sky background and the ground surface. Next draw the lining for the roof of the Chapel Mausoleum and then draw the guide
In this step you will start drawing out the gravestones that are crosses and tombstones. Make sure you draw them to be decrepit and aged. The one in the back is broken from being so old and creepy. Draw the detailing lines on the base of every graves
You will now start sketching out the background which is a full spooky moon and some full puffy clouds. There are also hilltops in the background as well so be sure to sketch those in. On the graveyard grounds you will draw some bones and skulls that
You will now start working on the archway or doorway to the small Chapel Mausoleum as you see here. Be sure to draw in the stairs and then the bold cross onto pf the pointed roof top.
You will now draw more hills and grass spots. When that is done you can start sketching out the graveyard tree to the left. Continue onto drawing out the structure of the Chapel Mausoleum as you see here.
For your last drawing step you will draw out the shingles on the roof as you see drawn for you here. Next finish off the lining for the hillside and then add a bit more detailing to the graveyard grounds. Erase all the guidelines that you drew in ste
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October 31, 2017
Description: Well it is now the month of September which means there is less than one month to go for the all time favorite celebrated day, Halloween. I have a bunch of tutorials under the Halloween category and those lessons are all very cool. As I was looking through different drawings that I submitted, I noticed that there was one very important Halloween landscape missing. Now because of that, I will be showing you “how to draw a graveyard step by step”. Graveyards are the essential setting for anything Halloween. I didn’t want to draw a complex landscape of a graveyard so I kept it pretty simple while being very cool at the same time. There is broken headstones, human bones sticking out of the ground, and even a small Chapel Mausoleum. I love the way the graveyard came out and I really do look forward to printing out the color sheet so that my six year olds sister can color this fun Halloween landscape in and then hang it in the window. DragoArt has a lot of drawing lessons for all the celebrated holidays. Lately I have been improving on my drawing skills and taking it to the next level. There are so many draw books, and sketch books that you can buy in the major book stores to improve on your art skills. Some people even choose to join those online art classes that are offered through varies art institutes. Anyways I know you guys will find this lesson on "how to draw a Halloween graveyard" fun, easy, and exciting. With that said I must also say that I look forward to October 31st because that is the day that my brothers and sister go out trick or treating, and I will stay home and watch some real creepy movies and pass out some Halloween candy to all the boys and girls that ring my bell and yell “Trick or Treat”. I have to leave for now but I will be back soon. In the mean time have a blast with this lesson and I will meet you guys here later with more drawing fun. Peace out peeps!