How to Draw a Centipede

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As you can see drawing this arthropod is going to be a lot easier then you may think. Start with a small circle for the head and then add the guidelines for the long antenna, body, and back legs.


Now you will draw out the actual shape of the antennas, and then sketch out the shape of the bumpy looking body that is actually different segments when fully drawing out.


You will now start drawing the centipedes legs on the left side, and for this species there is only fifteen legs on one side which means another fifteen will be drawn in on the right side. When the legs are sketched out, move to the next drawing step   


For your last step all you have to do is draw the small vertical body lines to show the separation of the segments of the centipedes body. Next and lastly, sketch out the other fourteen legs and then start erasing all the guidelines and shapes that y   


Now that you are done with drawing a centipede, you can color it in to look like any species of pede you wish. I hope you had fun with this tutorial, and be sure to join me again for more drawing fun.

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February 7, 2010

Description: Creepy critters come in all different shapes, sizes, colors, and species. This tutorial is going to be on an arthropod that most people get freaked out about whenever you see them crawling around the dirty ground, or scurrying about when you lift up an embedded rock. The funny thing is, we describe this animal to be an insect, when in all reality it is not. So I guess it's time I tell you that this lesson is going to show you “how to draw a centipede, step by step”. These yucky looking creatures have long, narrow bodies that consists of up to one hundred fifty body parts. Of course this totally depends on the type of species, but all in all one thing remains the same with all centipedes, they have long sensitive antennas, and small mouth parts that enable them to chew up their food that they feed on. Did you know that centipedes are considered to be poisonous and they contain claw like clamps that close together? These tong like hooks also contain poisonous glands. You would think that a small arthropod like the centipede would be more of a herbivore, but they are actually carnivores. Like many creepy crawlers, they hunt at night. The larger types of this species have a stinging bite, and can be very harmful to adults and children. How do you know that your looking at a centipede, and not a millipede? Well for starters, millipedes have two sets of legs on each body part, whereas centipedes have only one. Also, another easy way to tell the two species apart is to look at where the legs are positioned. Millipedes have legs that appear to be under their bodies, and centipedes have legs that are longer, and look like they are coming from the sides of their bodies. Pretty weird and cool. As for me, the closest I want to come to this disturbing animal, is as far as my pencil to the paper. I would much rather show you guys "how to draw a centipede, step by step" instead. Well that is it for this lesson description. Have fun with it and be sure to keep your eyes out for more up coming fun. Peace out and happy drawing!

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