How to Draw a Cartoon Mermaid

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To draw your beautiful cartoon mermaid you must first draw a circle for her head and then the shape of her face from the side. Next draw the body's line of motion which in this case will be a sitting position with her back arched upright to enhance h   


The first thing you will do id sketch out the hair style that this cartoon mermaid sports. Once that is done draw out her face from the side view and then you can move to the next step. Make sure that her hair is nicely detailed as well.


You will continue to add some volume and definition to this cartoon mermaid's hair style. Next sketch out her lips, define her nose, and add a nose ring if you like. You will draw an outlined shape of her breast and then draw out the shell that is us   


Sketch in the tribal tattoo that this cartoon mermaid has on her back and then begin sketching out her very detailed tail. Draw the arched line for her back and move to the next step.


You will complete the tail and make sure that you draw every piece of scaling that this mermaid has on her tail. When you are done you can erase all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one. You might find it easier to erase the guidelines   


Here is what your pretty girl looks like when you are done with this tutorial on "how to draw a cartoon mermaid" step by step. Color her in any shade you wish.

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July 27, 2009

Description: This next lesson that I am about to submit is so freakin pretty. I wanted to do another mermaid tutorial that wasn’t so complex, and easy enough for novice artists to draw. So, with that said I am going to show you “how to draw a cartoon mermaid step by step". I have plenty of mermaid lessons uploaded but I feel none of them is simple enough to learn to draw really good from. This easy to learn from tutorial really will help you draw a cartoon mermaid with ease. Mermaids are said to be extremely beautiful and amazingly mesmerizing right? Well this sketch conveys just how beautiful and enchanting mermaids really are as they are described in myth and in books. I just know you guys and girls will love teaching yourself "how to draw a cartoon mermaid" from this lesson. I have to go right now because I still have a ton of tutorials to submit. I will be back soon with more drawing fun so stay tuned and draw a while. Peace out peeps!

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