How to Draw 50 Cent

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Start with a circle for 50 Cents head and then add the facial guidelines. The facial guidelines consist of one long vertical line and several horizontal lines.


In this second step you will start it by drawing out the shape of his facial structure and then draw out the beginning shape of his nose. Make sure the face is drawn with slight imperfections as seen here.


Now, what I want you to start doing now is sketch out the lining for the dorag that he is wearing on his head. Be sure to sketch in the wrinkle and slight fold lines as drawn in here. Next draw the eye lines and then the beginning shape of his full l   


You are now on your fourth step and what you will do first is sketch out the shape and lining of his ears. Once the ears are done define and detail them and then draw a good sized diamond earring on the right ear. Next finish drawing out his eyes and   


Start erasing some of the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one. Now you will start sketching in your shading as shown to you here. But this shading is a very soft shading. While you are shading in your 50 Cent you will have to add some eye   


This is your last drawing step. What I want you to do is finish erasing the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one and then complete the shading process as you see here. Once you are done, you can move to the next step to see what the sketch   


Here is what your finished sketch should look like if you have followed the steps that I have laid out for you. You can choose to color him in or leave him as a drawn out black and white sketch. I hope you had fun learning how to draw 50 Cent step by   

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April 19, 2009

Description: Music is great, and for a long time now I have had a request to draw a certain music entertainer that I think everyone knows and likes. This member that requested this tutorial has waited very patiently and I want to say that I am extremely sorry for the long wait for your request. So this next lesson goes out to the very calm, cool and collective member of DragoArt, AnArmA. This lesson is going to show you how to draw 50 Cent step by step. Now 50 Cent is as you know, an American rapper of our day. His real name is Curtis James Jackson III and he was brought up in Queens New York. Since birth all he has been dealing with is life’s struggles. His mother took care of him up until he was eight years old and then his life suddenly changed when she was murdered at the young age of twenty three. Like a lot of young parents that had to raise their children and deal with poverty, his mother sold cocaine to make ends meet and to provide for her fatherless son and herself. After the passing of his mother he was sent to live with his grandmother and his eight aunts and uncles under one roof. The one person that he grew up with was his cousin who happened to be a bit younger than him and he went by the name 25 Cent. When Curtis was eleven he started boxing and even entered and competed in the Junior Olympics as an amateur boxer. In 1994 he was arrested and charged for selling narcotics on the streets. After serving some time in prison he started rapping and was later introduced to Jam Master Jay from the classic hip hop band “Run DMC”. He taught Curtis the ropes on how to completely cut a record. Now, if you are a 50 Cent fan you already know that he appeared on Onyx’s song “React” back in 1998. Even though 50 Cent recorded an album with Jam Master Jay, it was never released. Instead, a producing company named Trackmasters signed the rising star to Columbia Records in 1999. The album in 2000 labeled” Power of the Dollar” was unofficially released. 50 Cent is also responsible for the creation of G-Unit which is also a very well known rap band. I personally don’t listen to this rapper of today, but I have heard some of his songs like “Piggy Bank” and a few club bangers that are popular in local dance clubs and bars. He is the true story of an ex-struggling kid, to a successful rapper that everyone knows and loves. It just goes to show you that evryone can make it and live their dreams if you try hard enough and take things serious. It doesn't matter who you are, you can really live the good life even if you are from a hole in the wall. The sketch took me three hours and I spent an additional hour on the coloring. I know that you guys will love the way that he came out because I think he came out awesome. This tutorial will show you how to draw 50 Cent step by step. I will be back in a while with four more tutorials on the way.

1 - Super Cool
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