How to Draw Little Red Riding Hood

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Begin with the guide for the face/head shape and then draw out the facial guidelines.


Next, define the front part of the face and then draw the curled bangs that rest on her forhead.


You will now draw out the shapes of her catty eyes making sure that the lining is thick and bold. Draw the pupils and the nose as well.


Here you will draw the mouth and teeth. Since it was a wolf laying in her Grams bed, I thought it would be fun to give her some fangs.


Since most of her hair is covered under the hood, you will only have to draw her long wavy locks in a very bushy manner that falls on the sides of her face.


Lastly, give Little Red her hood and be sure to curl the end of the hood. I did this to add something different to the norm. You are done and ready to erase the mistakes and guides to clean up the drawing.


Here she is when you are all done. Now you can color her in.

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October 1, 2020

Description: How about a really cool and simple lesson on an iconic character from both our childhood and adulthood. The purchase you just made for this drawing tutorial will show you how to draw Red Riding Hood, step by step. She has always been such a mysterious character from tales and I always loved the story. Its about a girl who goes walking through the woods to visit her grandmother who lives in a wooden cabin. She traditionally has blond golden locks, and wears a read hooded cape. Once she gets to grandmother's house she is greeted by her grams but as she lays in her bed. I think you know the rest of the story, now all you have to do is draw her out. I do hope you are happy with the lesson, you can also use this drawing of Red Riding Hood for anything else.

#how to draw characters from books #how to draw characters for kids
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