How to Draw Bill Cipher
Draw a simple triangle with a circle almost near the top of the triangle and Draw a line across the circle.
Next round the corners of the triangle. Add two sided triangles connecting to the eye on each side of the eye without the bottom edges.
lets put his Bow on shall we. Add two triangles top corners and have them connect side by side. Draw them a little below the eye.
Lets put on his hat on the top of his top rounded corner. Draw a long-Short rectangle. Then draw a tall rectangle in the middle of the long short rectangle.
Now lets add the arm and the legs. Draw the slim arms right in the middle side edges of his body upwards. Curve his legs inwards on the bottom.
connecting the Hands And feet now. When doing the hands make sure you draw the thumbs on each hand first and then the three fingers. the feet are oval shaped with the sharp turn making the heels.
Adding the lines for the bricks. Draw in color three golden yellow straight lines across his body. one in the middle of his bow. then one just below the bow. Last in an open area.
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October 29, 2013
Description: Here is my first tutorial everyone. Here you will be learning how to draw Bill Cipher from Disney's Gravity Falls. He is the Dream Demon that can go into peoples mind. He is been written down in the mystery Journal that Dipper has and then to Stan.