How to Draw Beverly Goodman from Mr. Pickles


Make a circle for the head and then the facial guidelines.


You will then draw the oblong shape of Beverly's face and then draw the poof of hair which is the combed back bangs.


Next, draw in her small bow tie.


Now you can draw out the rest of the hairstyle which will also complete the head shape.


Here we will add some detailing to the back of her hair and then draw out the ears and round stub earrings.


Using the facial guidelines draw each eyeball and then draw in the nose and brows.


Finish Beverly off with her smile. Erase the mistakes if you made any.


There you have it. The complete lesson on drawing Beverly from Mr. Pickles.

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September 8, 2020

Description: So Tommy has a mother and Grandpa has a daughter. Here is the lesson on how to draw Beverly Goodman, step by step from Mr. Pickles. Beverly is what you call you typical stay at home mom and housewife. One of her best friends is Linda and Beverly is voiced by Brooke Shields which is crazy because Brooke is almost like Beverly in the fact that both women are tall, slender and beautiful. Anyways, Beverly is not going to be complicated to draw, and the reason why I made these lessons on all these characters is because they are all requested. You can't make drawing tutorials on only a couple characters from any given show. I believe that all the main/ recurring characters should be available as lessons for all fans. So go ahead and have fun and I will return with more for you all.

#how to draw mr pickles #how to draw mr pickles characters
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