How to Draw a Submarine

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Start off by drawing an oblong shape for the base of your submarine like so. You will then draw the two top shapes as you see here.


Define the shape of the submarine like so, then add a fin like shape at the back end of the sub.


Draw out the top portion of the top portion of the submarine followed by the hull opening.


Lastly, draw in the other fin in the back of the sub, along with the eyeglass, and then the rivets along the side of the two top portions. Erase your mistakes and you are done.


Here is how the drawing looks when you are done. Color in the submarine and that's it.

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August 26, 2013

Description: "In the town where I was born, lived a man who sailed to sea. And he told us of his life, in the land of submarines. So we sailed on to the sun, till we found a sea of green, and we lived beneath the waves, In our yellow submarine. We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine. We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine". Those are some of the lyrics to a Beatles song that inspired me to make this lesson on "how to draw a submarine", step by step. Instead of making so complex that the drawing would only be good enough to look at, I wanted to make sure that folks would want to draw a submarine. I think just by the submarine being yellow it will catch more attention leading to more people tackling the task. Enjoy folks and be sure to listen to Yellow Submarine by the Beatles while you draw your own.

#how to draw submarines
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