How to Draw a Dungeon

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The first thing you want to do is draw a horizontal line for the floor of the dungeon. Next, draw the lines that make up the skeletons body like so.


Next, start adding the shapes of the different shaped stones that make up the dungeons floor. As you can see the stones are not all one shape or size. The thick gaps or spaces in between each stone is what was used to keep the stones in place, and th   


Now you will begin drawing out the human remains of the previous prisoner. This should be in the form of bone pieces like a ribcage, skulls, and other bones.


Now it's time to draw out the brick wall in the background. These bricks should be large, and stone like. Take your time with this step so you can get a nice clean uniform shape.


It's now tome to start drawing out the top half of the skeleton like you see here. This can easily be done by drawing the chains, arms, skull or head, and then the torso or ribcage.


For your last drawing step, all you have to do is draw out the rest of the skeletons body like you see here. This consists of the hips, pelvis, and legs like so. Erase any guidelines that are visible, and then your done.


Now that you are all done, your dungeon should look like the one see here.Now you can color this awesome medieval scene in.

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July 16, 2010

Description: I was thinking of something really cool to draw, and after careful thought, I came up with something cool. I thought to myself, how about a lesson that can teach artists, "how to draw a dungeon", step by step. I know it sounds weird, but the idea also sounds very cool. I had such an awesome time thinking of new innovative ways to draw a dungeon that I felt everyone would like. Not only that, but the dungeon design that I drew, is going to be extremely easy to learn from. Not only will advanced and intermediate artist learn from this tutorial, novice artist will fall in love with this lesson as well. To keep things simple, I drew a certain area of a dungeon and added what you are most likely to see if you where to walk through the creepy brick layered room that is either lite by wall torches, or holds no light at all. Sometimes dungeons have little areas of light that is brought in from the outside. This happens when there are extremely high window holes built into the dungeon walls with cast iron bars to keep prisoners contained and confined in their torturous dwellings. I drew a skeleton hanging on the wall with his wrists shackled by locks, and a few bones of human remains scattered on the cold, stone floor. No matter how you look at it, this is going to be a fun tutorial. You will learn a simple way to "draw a dungeon", and you will also get an idea on how a dungeon should look. I will be back later with more drawing fun so stay tuned in to see what else I have in store for you all. Peace out people, and have an awesome drawing day!

#draw a dungeon #draw dungeons #draw a cave

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